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Events to benefit Westchester Mental Health Guild
Tribute Cards to benefit Westchester Mental Health Guild


Annual Meeting of the Westchester Mental Health Guildfacebook

Mary Ellen Cassman was recognized with the Founders' Award for her role in establishing and maintaining the Guild's 60 year commitment to the cause of mental health.

Her leadership and many accomplishments are featured on page 2 of our winter 2022 newsletter.

Read about Mary Ellen


Our 2025 Annual Meeting was held January 30, 2025.
Speaker: Traci Park, Councilmember 11th District

Our 2024 Annual Meeting was held January 24, 2024.
Speaker: Capt. Rico Gross, L.A. City Fire Dept.
Topic: Emergency Preparedness - Are You Ready?

Our 2023 Annual Meeting was held January 25, 2023.
Speaker: Mishele Vieira, Certified Professional Organizer®
Topic: Get Organized, Clear Out the Clutter

Airport Marina Counseling Service and Westchester Mental Health Guild celebrate 60 years of service with a Diamond Anniversary event, June 21, 2022.

Our 2022 Annual Meeting was held January 26, 2022 virtually.

Our 2021 Annual Meeting was held June 16, 2021.

Our 2020 Annual Meeting was held June 17, 2020 virtually.

Our 2019 Annual Meeting was held May 11, 2019.
Speaker: Nicole Barkopoulos
Topic: Dynamic Aging and the Quest for Fulfillment


Executive Board Committee 2024-2026

Janie Guthrie Skjervem
Bill Morgan
Pam Finkel
Ylla De Leon
Linda Peterson
Heather Ivey

1st Vice President, Fundraising
2nd Vice President, Membership
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary

2024 Award Recipients

Mary Gluck

Anna Cody

Leslie Hanson
Edgar Saenz
Jordan Scott

Judy Delavigne
Cristina Hellems
Bill Morgan

Heart of Gold

Belle of the Guild

Certificates of Merit

Certificates of Appreciation

Award Recipient Archives
Guild Founders' Award  
Mary Ellen Cassman Presented in 2022
Belle/Beau of the Guild
Heart of Gold
Anna Cody (2024)
Daniel Dews (2023)
Christina Vanderjagt (2023)
Gail Ruhlen (2022)
Pam Hodges (2021)
Pam Crockett (2020)
Janie Guthrie, Stan Clark (2019)
Nancy Edwards, Mary Gluck (2018)
Robin Adams, Annika Backman (2017)
Jane St. John (2016)
Ylla DeLeon (2016)
Joanne (Jody) Hagen (2015)
Judy Dews (2015)
Petra Castellanos (2014)
Betty Walsh (2014)
Patty Crockett (2013)
Joyce Koehler (2013)
Julie Case (2012)
Linda Peterson (2012)
Irene Yoshinaga (2011)
Myra Kriwanek (2010)
Candy Yip (2010)
Mary Quinn (2009)
Barbara Clark (2009)
David Tyson (2008)
Christine Essex (2008)
Gloria Chesen (2007)
Joan Conca (2007)
Bernice Blinder (2006)
John Clark (2006)
Polly Garstka (2005)
Floy Clark (2005)
Marilyn McAdam (2004)
Marlene Obrietan (2004)
Gail Levy (2003)
Tina Hanaken (2003)
Ann Bartlett (2002)
Judy Hensler (2002)
Mildred Hanson (2001)
Helen Peterson (2001)
Jack Wexler (2000)
Adah Nutter (2000)
Charles Pratt (2000)
Charlotte Dresser (1999)
Mireya Wharton (1998)
Sandy Luboviski (1997)
Bill Hatton (1996)
Louise Jongewaard (1996)
Elaine Bodenburg (1995)
Betty Wilburn (1993)
Doris Uncapher (1992)
Margaret Matthews (1992)
Becky Foley (1991)
Adelle Wexler (1990)
Marty Francis (1989)
Ruth Webb (1989)
Betty Meyers (1989)
Marjorie Reilly (1988)
Mary Ann Sullivan (1988)
June Hatton (1988)
Sue Wehrman (1987)
Peggy Truxal (1986)
Norma Tyson (1985)
Sally Larrabee (1984)
Shirley Pfeil (1983)
Marion Schuster (1983)
Alan Cassman (1982)
Stella Mogck (1981)
Harriet Bissell (1980)
Evelyn Donnerstag (1979)
Mary Lee Waggoner (1979)
Ruth Dawson (1979)
Myrtle Richardson (1978)
Joan Pleiser (1977)
Muriel Sutherland (1976)
Carl Nielsen (1975)
Mary Ellen Cassman (1974)
Joanne Lassen (1973)
Irene Howard (1972)
Charles Bemis (1971)
Evelyn Brownstone (1970)
Katy Kolodziejski (1970)
Mary Vossler (1969)
Jo Corning (1968)
Molly Baker (1967)

Mary Gluck (2024)
Janie Guthrie Skjervem (2023)

Annika Backman (2023)
Nancy Edwards (2022)
Myra Kriwanek (2022)
Robin Adams (2020/21)
Judy Dews (2019)
Ylla De Leon (2018)
Julie Case (2017)
Patty Crockett (2016)
Linda Peterson (2015)
Mary Quinn (2014)
Barbara Clark (2013)
Candy Yip (2012)
Polly Garstka (2011)
Bernice Blinder (2010)
Floy Clark (2009)
Louise Jongewaard (2008)
Marlene Obrietan (2007)
Gail Levy (2006)
Mildred Hanson (2005)
Charlotte Dresser (2004)
Bill Hatton (2003)
Mireya Wharton (2002)
Marty Francis (2001)
Sandy Luboviski (2000)
June Hatton (1999)
Adelle Wexler (1999)
Doris Uncapher (1998)
Becky Foley (1997)
Peggy Truxal (1996)
Marion Godding (1995)
Betty Meyers (1995)
Mary Ann Sullivan (1994)
Norma Tyson (1992)
Sue Wehrman (1990)
Myrtle Richardson (1989)
Stella Mogck (1989)
Shirley Pfeil (1988)
Sally Larrabee (1986)
Molly Baker (1983)
Irene Howard (1978)
Mary Ellen Cassman (1977)
Joanne Lassen (1976)

Membership Form






The Mission of Airport Marina Counseling Service is two-fold.
• Provide affordable, community-based mental health services
• Train mental health therapists

Airport Marina Counseling Service Website
Airport Marina Counseling Service Facebook Page

Airport Marina Counseling Service
7891 La Tijera Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045